Stack of Working Titles and/or Wishful Band Names

Trees & Seas

The Curse of the Aesthete

Floors of Museums

A Photograph of a Photograph

Dual Projection Project

No Matter What

On Leaving/Still Here


Portrait for Dez

Postcards from the Dead

The Embryology of Loss


Lover x7

Late Bloom Hibiscus

Flip Side

Labor Room

The Grid and the Girl

The Spirit of Materiality

Painting Never Dies

The Birth of Sound

Back East Out West

As Evidenced By

Salty People

The Unserious Artist

I Think This Might Be

Painting the Painting

Bad Drawing

That One Feeling

Ecstatic Aesthetes

The Nervous Wrecks

The Materiality of Language

The Vanishing Points

Title Track

Eleven Eleven

The Pap, The Mammo, and the Echo


I Feel Weird

This Probably Sounds Obvious

Things Going On


The Sightings